Today Is The Only Day That Matters


Today is the only day that matters, because you have to make it happen today.

As we celebrate the Labor Day holiday, I am reminded often through the actions that we choose for ourselves that things have to be done today.

The Labor Day holiday grew out of the late 19th century organized labor movement, and it quickly became a national holiday as the labor movement assumed a prominent role in American society.

The word labor means work, in fact “hard work”, and is synonymous with toil and effort.

We all agree that in order to sustain ourselves, some level of work is needed. Whether it be an occupation for pay, or services that are rendered for charity or philanthropical endeavors there is a requirement of time and effort needed to accomplish a task.

We often tell ourselves that realistically today is not always the best time to do things because there are other things that need to happen within a given day. These can be related to occupation, family, school, or the social lives that we all live.

When you want to get a goal accomplished you must start today, and if you want that goal to ever reach completion you have to work at it today. It is possible to achieve any goals that you set for yourself, but this is only through allowing for things to occur by doing the actions that are necessary.

In order to start from the bottom and get to the top in your relationship, career, job or life, you must first start.

The day that you decide to start will always be today. In perspective you go to sleep today, and when you wake up it is still today. I’m learning to let go of labels for our days, whether the weekday titles known as Sunday through Saturday or yesterday and tomorrow, as I focus solely on the moment of today.

Of course you can still have plans to meet with a friend for lunch and go to a play on Friday, and when Friday comes it will still be today.

Become inspired by looking at today as the only day, and labor to live every today to the fullest. If you have excuses that prevent you from getting started, end them today.

I have a hunch that your future self will thank you.

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