The law that I am finding to be true in my own life is the Law of Attraction, as it connects with your ability to think and visualize something that you desire and create it as tangibly real for you.
Consider how Sir Isaac Newton’s law of gravity which states that any two bodies in the universe attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. [a] Trust me I had to look this up, and I still don’t understand the law as a written equation however I do know that within earths gravitational field items are attracted to the earth. This is proven every time I jump up, because I come back down to the ground.
Generally speaking the Law of Attraction is similar to the law of gravity, as they both speak of an attraction to something. The Law of Attraction states that you attract every positive or negative event that happens to you. This notion can take some getting used to as your ability to attract what you desire first starts within your mind and manifests itself outside of you. This is often why you will hear many individuals who are conscious and aware of this universal law state that there is no coincidence, and that all things are a result of your direct or indirect intent.
A coincidence is defined as a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.
An occurrence without a connection?
This would be like your car starting up on it’s own without you engaging the ignition, or you filling your stomach with food without physically accepting it in your body in some manner. The reality is that you are always the “casual connection” to anything that occurs in your life. Below is just one fun account of the Law of Attraction at work in my reality.
During last fall my wife and I were sitting down to go over our annual medical benefit renewal process, as we worked to complete open enrollment. This is a standard process for many who pay for health benefits, and this occurs annually so that you and your family will have coverage in the coming year. As we were reviewing the coverage packages and selecting our desired benefits, we got to a section which asks about smoking status and your tobacco use. Neither my wife nor I smoke, however we continued to review this section and noticed that the premiums increase for households that do use tobacco verses those that don’t. We couldn’t have been on the topic of tobacco for more that 1-2 minutes, before we noticed one of the “truth” campaingn anti smoking advertisements comes on our television screen, as the program that we were viewing went to commercial.
Ironic right…then we noticed this
(ok I know, however this picture is not scripted, staged, or altered in any way)
After we shared a good laugh and removed the sucker stem from the dogs mouth, we began to have the conversation of these occurrences and my wife and I agreed that the universe or something was definitely at work. This story happened and I was not thinking about something that I wanted or desired, but whatever I was thinking about the universe was listening to me…and it will listen to you as well. The power of your mind is incredible, and sometimes life winks at you.
We are creators of our reality, so make sure that your world reflects the best possible life you could want. Your are responsible for your life. Think-Do-Become
To bring anything into your life, imagine that it’s already there – Richard Bach
Achieve The Impossible