Good Vibes Only – Expert Tips To Living A Positive Life

Image result for Good vibesGood Vibes Only – Expert Tips To Living A Positive Life

What’s going on family? It’s another edition of Freedom Friday and I am happy to be back with you today.  I want talk to you about creating good vibes and ultimate positivity in your life. Did you know that achieving a positive life is something that is attainable? It’s not just a notion that gets over publicized or something that is only spoken, but it is a level of connection to your reality where things will work to support your best life. For the sake of this discussion lets consider the word positive to be defined as a good, affirmative, or constructive quality or attribute.
The best way that I have found to live a positive life is by learning to control our controllable’s. I know this may sound cliché, however controlling the things that we can helps minimize the things in our reality that are out of our control. Our minds and the way we think are programmable, and we control our thinking by what we expose ourselves to. This is why we as human beings can learn anything including how to swim, multiple languages, and even becoming ambidextrous, as long as we expose ourselves to it. So in the same way we should expose ourselves to all things positive and, and all things positive will begin to expose themselves to us.
In order to live a positive lifestyle please consider the below three tips:
1. Control your environment. Controlling your environment means you are taking the lead in making sure that nothing gets inside of your reality that you don’t want. This may be limiting the places in which you spend your time, or even limiting which people you decide to spend quality time with. Through limiting negative scenarios and situations, you will find that negativity won’t be able to find you. In controlling your environment, you will be able  to create the desired positive outcomes as a result of yourself.
2. Control your media intake. It never fails to amaze me how the notice of a story or circumstance that we have learned about creates an immediate polarization between people. Outside influencers such as television, social media, and word of mouth sharing seem to bring out the expert opinion in us all on matters that have nothing to do with us at all. By controlling the outside influencers we in-turn are able to keep perspective on what is most important to us internally. I have learned that getting offended is a choice just as most things are, and being able to choose the narrative you subscribe to will have a positive effect on you. Negative reactions to media stories have caused people to lose relationships, jobs, and overall quality of life because of one rational or irrational response. Remember the media doesn’t dictate your reality, you dictate your reality. So controlling your level of intake from the media will allow you to keep a positive mindset despite what a president, pizza restaurant, or apparel company may do.

3. Control your emotions. I’ve learned that our emotions create real feelings, and we should always work to respect and accept how we are feeling in the moment. Your emotions are something that can also be controlled, and should be with the aim of working to create the best outcome from them. Controlling emotion doesn’t mean that you should hold back or keep them away, as this will cause you to breed negativity as you fight the internal battle of denying your true self. I suggest that you work to learn more about what causes you to feel and react in certain ways, and respect your emotions as you begin to work with them for your betterment. “I am a human being; nothing human can be alien to me” – Terence

The phrase called “living right” is very real and I will give you an example of how the positivity you give will give back to you in return. The last time I have a flat tire, by the time I was getting out to asses what had happened and remove the spare wheel from my trunk a stranger had pulled up, and offered me assistance…I had not been stopped longer than two minutes. This great humanitarian happened to be a auto mechanic who had professional tools that would allow him to change the tire quicker than I could, and he offered his assistance immediately and told me to wait safely on the shoulder of the road away from traffic as he began to change the tire for me. What was going to surely take me at least 30 minutes to do he did in 5, and when I offer to pay him for this service he insisted that the only pay is that I add to, and pass along the generosity that he had shared with me.  (true story…no professional speaker talk)

Why did this happen? It happened because I’ve been creating so much positivity in my life that things like this are supposed to happen me. This is just one example of what will happen if you work to achieve a positive lifestyle through controlling your environment, your media intake, and your emotions.


I’m Living My Best Life!

“Thank God I’m Free”

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