Getting Over Being Disappointed
Spring is in the air, sunlight hours are growing longer, and I am glad to be back with you to celebrate our freedom today. This weeks message is a personal testimony describing a recent situation in which I had an unexpected audio/visual failure during my participation as a presenter at a TEDx event. What I learned through my experience is that acceptance of the situation, identifying what went wrong, learning to let it go, and finding the good that exists were key factors that helped me remove feelings of disappointment, and replacing them with confidence and appreciation of self. We must face the facts and understand that at times in life we may experience brief setbacks and disappointment. As they say “schyt happens”, and when it does we must remember to flush the toilet and keep moving forward so that this too will pass. In the net sum of life it doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down, as the most important factor will be how many times you decide to get back up…Bounce Back!

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work to become a jack of all trades, and the master of yourself
“Thank God I’m Free”