Connecting The Dots
What’s going on world? I’m back with you yet again another week to celebrate our freedom this Friday, and every day that we continue to exist. Today, I want you to reflect on the topic “Connecting The Dots”.
If you are familiar with this activity then you may recall “connect the dots” is a form of a puzzle which contains a sequence of numbered dots in which you have to follow ordered action to create a complete image. The image that is provided may have a general outline, although you can’t fully identify what the picture is supposed to be. Through the infinite power of your mind you will create a general idea of what is possible through the experience of connecting the dots, and over time the reality of the image will be revealed. The revealed image becomes visible and its reality has manifested all because you took the first step to begin where you are, and connected the dots towards your success.
Life is a lot like connecting the dots. Although every decision that we make won’t be numbered, they should all be calculated. Consider a general idea of what you want in your life, as this can be the beginning of your development outline. You may not see everything that is needed to achieve your goal initially, however you can get a general perspective of what your completed image should look like. Regardless of age, experience, or any barrier encountered, the place you should begin is always right where you are now. This will be your first priority as you look out for number 1, and once you identify your first position your continued goal should be to connect to other things needed to complete the vision. Connecting the dots of your life is found through the relationships you keep. Whether they be social, professional, or family, the relationships you keep can assist you to leverage your uniqueness, and over time you begin to create a picture of what you ideally envisioned for yourself.
………I received my first professional job as the result of who I knew, far beyond what I knew
Life is a lot like connecting the dots, you may not see the full picture in the beginning. As long as you have the idea of what you want in your life and continue to work to use all of your relationships as points of connection, your life will become a beautiful masterpiece.
You can do it!
You can do it!
freedom is as freedom does
“Thank God I’m Free”